On Saturday night in San Francisco, my Mini Cooper convertible was broken into. Someone smashed the driver-side window.
Aside from the shocking spectacle of glass glistening on the sidewalk, I was stunned. Why would someone bother breaking into my little peanut of a car? I'm always careful not to leave bags or anything of any value visible to others.
Later, after the shock had worn off, I realized I'd left a pair of white iPhone ear buds in the car's console, in a space underneath the dashboard. The thieves made off with the earbuds, along with two shopping bags in my trunk, a couple pair of used shoes, and two packs of gum (not used). Yes, gum.
My brilliant deduction: The vandals broke into my car because they saw the earbuds, and thought they might also get their hands on an iPhone, iPod, or other device. Luckily, I had no electronics in the car or the trunk. I did have a portable GPS unit in the glove compartment, but fortunately, that was locked.
A friend, after hearing my story, said his car had also been broken into, and he suspected it was because he'd left a pair of tell-tale white earbuds in view.So while you're out and about shopping this holiday season, don't leave anything visible inside your car that might suggest you've ever even thought of owning an iPod, iPhone, or other portable device.
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