The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs was a vocal opponent of stylus input. And he was none too pleased with Samsung, the company with which Apple has been embroiled in various patent disputes. With apologies to a man I greatly respected, I must admit that I bought a Samsung Galaxy Note the first day it was available (last Sunday), and so far, I'm really enjoying it.
Samsung Galaxy Note comes with a stylus, which you use to jot notes and add annotations to just about anything you see on the Android phone's screen. And speaking of its screen, it measures 5.3 inches, the largest of any smartphone on the market. It's not terribly easy to hold the device in one hand while checking email or making a call, but it can be done.
In other words, the Samsung Galaxy Note is big--but in a goofy, endearing sort of way.
It's also received mixed reviews. PCMag calls the phone “an unfortunate tweener,” while Engadget says “it’s one of the best phones of any size on the market today.”
Even so, I'm not complaining. I'm enjoying using the stylus and the S Memo app (included) to mark up web pages and maps. I may even doodle with it, should creativity (and time) allow. You can read my S Memo review on, where I recently started a new mobile apps blog.
Did I mention I love the Galaxy Note's big-ass screen? When I type, the keys are bigger. When I shoot a picture or video, the viewfinder (so to speak) is bigger. When I visit a web page, I don't have to scroll quite as much.When I read an email, I don't have to squint (as much).
At a time when everything seems to be shrinking--the economy, for instance--it's refreshing to own such a big, bold device, a phone that dares you to slip it into your jeans pocket, a phone that refuses to conform, a phone that says, "Look at me!," because look at it you will.
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